"And he came on the back of a whale. A man to lead a new people. Our ancestor, Paikea. But now we were waiting for the firstborn of the new generation, for the descendant of the whale rider. For the boy who would be chief"
- Paikea, The Whale Rider
Whale Rider is a film that kind of breaks gender stereotypes. In the film, the Maori tribe is waiting for the boy who will become their leader. Unfortunately, for them, Pai is a girl and she won't be accepted in her tribe. There is patriarchy in her tribe, and Pai's grandfather doesn't accept her. As a viewer, take the side of Pai, because I am a woman in society where there is still patriarchy. Pai is a strong female character who is willing to be the leader of her tribe, but her grandfather denies her. Pai is very persistent, a true example for us, women.
In a way, Pai and Mulan have so much in common: they fulfilled a role meant to be fulfilled only by men. These two characters are passionate, persistent, and strong. They both broke gender role stereotypes, which is something that we, women, need nowadays. In both stories, the character's own cultures are patriarchal. Coincidence? No, I don't think so. Once in a while, there are a couple of films that depict strong female characters. For instance, Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max: Fury Road came by surprise. Women were extremely happy that Furiosa and Max were equals. But some men were not so welcoming to the fact that a woman could be strong and smart.
It is incredible that, nowadays, there are feminist, or gender egalitarian films that show children that women and men are equals. Mulan and Whale Rider are excellent examples for children; these two films taught me, after all, that women have the ability to be leaders and warriors. Pai and Mulan will stay forever with me. And I am positive that I will show these two films to my children.