Sunday, October 23, 2016

Blog #2: Camera Movement from "Atonement" (2007)

"I love you. I'll wait for you. Come back. Come back to me."
- Cecilia Tallis, Atonement

Ladies, remember this name: Joe Wright. This lovely man has directed successful classics from the Romance genre: Pride & Prejudice and Anna Karenina (Keira Knightley starred on both films). Mr. Wright is the perfect director for film adaptations of Romantic novels. But let's focus on long shots. Yes, we know about the flawless work of Emmanuel Lubezki (The Revenant, Gravity, Birdman, Children of Men, The Tree of Life). His work is breath-taking, and he is one of the biggest names regarding cinematography. Terrence Malick (The Tree of Life, The New World, Knight of Cups), Alfonso Cuarón (Gravity, Children of Men), and Alejando G. Iñarritu (The Revenant, Birdman) have worked with Lubezki for many years. 

Ladies, let me introduce to another flawless cinematographer: Seamus McGarvey. Wright and McGarvey have worked together for many years as well. Pan, Anna Karenina, The Soloist, and Atonement were created by these gentlemen. One of the things that makes this film memorable is the Dunkirk beach scene. It lasts between 5 minutes and 6 minutes without cuts. I bet they rehearsed many times until they master every movement. The outcome is pure gold. Also, the music by Dario Marianelli, who happens to work many times with Mr. Wright as well, adds more sadness, drama, and nostalgia to this scene. The scene is so horribly graphic, yet beautiful.

I highly recommend this film. I guarantee you are not going to stop crying. This movie is based on the best selling novel by Ian McEwan. This is the movie trailer!

*Note* Benedict Cumberbatch is on the film, but his character is creepy and will make you feel uncomfortable! Also, Saoirse Ronan was nominated for an Academy Award for her magnificent performance, and she was 13 years old!


  1. Joe Wright is one of my favorite directors, and certainly the best director of literary adaptations. I love Atonement (book and movie). Wright includes a showy single shot scene in all of his films; this one is my favorite. Mimi

    1. Joe Wright earned my respect with "Pride & Prejudice."
      - Ana Valle
